General Info
Hockey Developments
Registrations are now open!
- Register and pay on SAHA Website
- Register on the Central Website using the Registration form and pay via EFT.
- Email proof on payment to info@centralhockey.co.za
- Get your KIT ORDERS in using the Kit order form
- Ladies Division: Wednesday, 5 February @ 6.15 – 8pm
Every Monday and Wednesday onwards - Men’s Division: GC / GR SQUADS
Tuesday, 4 February 2025 @ 18:30 – 20:00 - Men’s Division: Thursday, 6 February 2025
MTC / M3 SQUADS : 18:30 – 19:45
MGC / MGR SQUADS : 19:45 – 21:00 - Youth Division: TBC
- Chat to your respective coaches for more information.
About Us
Central Hockey Club (CHC), established in 1993, promotes hockey at all levels of the game for Boys, Girls, Men and Ladies.
- Facilities: CHC headquarters is at Vygieskraal Hockey Complex, Athlone which boasts a top quality, water-based artificial pitch and two grass fields.
- Benefits: Since CHC strives to serve the broader community of Cape Town, accessibility and affordability are key considerations.
- People: Membership is open to all regardless of race, gender or religion. Key role-players in the club are officials and players who have their roots in the former non-established provincial hockey bodies for men and women (1962-1992).
- Affiliations: CHC is affiliated to WP Schools Hockey and the Western Province Hockey Union.
CHC enjoys broad support from all sectors of the community and invite you to be part of a dynamic organisation which is firmly rooted in the community.
Complete the application registration forms.
See forms below: Note Parent to complete Junior Application
What we Do
- MINI HOCKEY CLINICS – for primary school children (boys and girls)ages 6 to 12 years on Saturday mornings.
- SATELLITE ACADEMY – for youth boys and girls ages 13 to 18 at the Vygieskraal Hockey Complex on week-day afternoons.
- Benefits: Since CHC strives to serve the broader community of the Cape Flats, accessibility and affordability are key considerations
- Under 14, 16, and 19 boys and girls teams compete in the WP Schools leagues mainly on Saturday mornings.